Songs that Inspire or Move you

After all, it's all about the music. There are certain songs that no matter how many times I hear them, they still move me. Just wanted to know some of your favorites. Doesn't necessarily have to be spiritual or gospel, but just very honest and real sounding. Here are some of my favorites.
Redemption Song-Bob Marley
Peace in the Valley-Johnny Cash at San Quentin
U R Loved-Victoria Williams
Nothing Compares to you-Toussant MCall
Dearest-Buddy Holly
May Peace find you tonight-Reckless Kelly
There is a Time-The Darlings(Dilliards) from Andy Griffith Show
Mapman: You make a point, and I would hope/think the majority of us, me included, would use this site as an outlet to let others, (like-minded), know what kind of music really "moves us". We have this outlet/music that gives us the ability to express the music that "moves us" freely! It really is a great thing.

When I think of the hundreds/thousands of music lovers who log on here on an ongoing basis, supposedly for the love of music, I just wonder what keeps all of our brothers @ sisters from sharing? There IS no wrong answer.
like the Ed and jfc version of love is the answer a lot. That was the hit
version I believe?

edajfc was a soft rock act and got a bum rap from the serious rock music
crowd back then. They had a lot of great tunes that were hits.

Crosby stills and Nash were considered cool however.
A little heady but one for the vine by genesis is playing now. That's always affected me. Both the story and the music.
Martykl: It's interesting that you mention Todd Rundgren as he's coming to my town very soon.

I've had the pleasure of seeing Richard Thompson live and while I get your point, he's absolutely wonderful! I actually meant to include a couple from Linda's lp "Fashionably Late", "All I See", @ "Dear Old Man Of Mine". As far as RT is concerned, my favorite lp by him is Pour Down Like Silver.

It's all about what makes you feel good, not what you think others think make you feel good.