anyone heard of John Nitzinger?

Great guitar player from Texas,only other person besides myself thats heard him is the guy who turned me on to him back in 1978,just found out he has a web site and still playing
Ray---I thought me and the friend who liked Nitzinger in the early 70's were the only people to knew about him. It would be strange if my friend was the same as your friend. Maybe Nitzinger only exists is our universe. I only have one album by him. It is, I think, the first thing he ever put out. It was self titled, "Nitzinger" and I bought it in the summer of 72, I think. It is still one hell of an album.
hello Papertrail,your buddys name isnt Danny is it?Thats not the album with the song "Yellow Dog" is it? has a few of his CDs,,do a google search and youll find his website,,the guy kicks ass!!im surprised more folks havent heard of him!Anyway,your now the second person i know of thats heard him,,im not crazy after all,,,,,,Peace
There is a mint 3 lp set of Nitzinger's work for sale on Ebay for $20.00 now. One problem, the seller is in Sweden, so big $$ for shipping possibly.
Hello Photon46,i looked at the ebay ad,shipping is 10.00 for each LP!I should have bought it back in 78 !!!I might shell out the $$
Jeeez, that triggers some flashbacks. Owned or borrowed most of the Bloodrock and Nitzinger stuff. If memory serves, Lee Pickens pulled off the more acrobatic leads in Bloodrock. Thought Ollie Hallsall (Patto), early B.O.C. Larry Coryell and the Mahavishnu Orchestra made em' seem pretty wimpy, maybe i shouldn't have ditched those records. Kept the Mar y Sol record tho' (Texas Blues/Jelly Roll had some scorcher parts on it) an' i liked his description of a girlfriends mental acuity, it was something like... if you put her brain on the edge of a razor blade it would look like a bb rollin' down a four lane highway.