French Female Vocalist Jazz Blues Suggestions ???

I would appreciate some suggestons for music performed by French female vocalists Preferebly Slower Jazz or Blues but I am also open to pop and Rock. Thanks!
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Don't forget Claudine Longet. You now find here CD's under here first name-CLAUDINE. Remember Love is Blue.
Get something by Paris Combo. Not exactly jazz or blues, in fact very difficult to classify, but you said you were open to other things. The singer is great.
How about an American who grew up in Paris...Madeline Peyroux. A great jazzy singer/songwriter who has carefully put together only 2 releases in 8 years. Each is worth the wait.
If you like Billie Holiday's voice, you'll probably be enchanted w/Madeline Peyroux. Cheers,
Colette Magny / Brigitte Fontaine / Françoise Hardy / La Grande Sophie / Zazie / Jeanne Foly
French-Canadian jazz singer Madeleine Peyroux. Her album, "Careless Love" is excellent.