Best "Hungarian Rhapsody" on vinyl?

I listened to a recording of this Liszt piece on the "Best of Naxos" CD, and haven't rummaged thru my vinyl collection yet, to see if I even have this on vinyl (I may already, I have so many that I haven't even had time to run them thru the cleaning machine). WHAT I WANT IS a recording with primarily the warmest/most colorful string tone, and the strongest contrasts between loud and soft.
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you guys.... The Dorati version is nicely done (the best, according to an old Penguin Record Guide), but the recording is not the best. The strings are not as lush as a typical Mercury, and I wouldn't mind a bit more bass. The large dynamics that Carl requires are not there. One caveat, however, is that I am using fairly new speakers (ML SL3) and tonearm (i.e. not broken in). The cartridge is a Koetsu Rosewood, with all tube electronics. The Koetsu is one voluptuous cartridge !
Yes, my friend Albert Porter has the signature of that cartridge, and I hope to own one at some point (or else by that time, maybe just bypass it and get the Platinum Signature). I have the Benz Lo4 now, but I like it very much. I'll definitely get a great table before I get a Koetsu, though. I heard an older Urushi in a bright system, and it sounded very liquid and captivating. The guy's digital rig in that system was very rough and low-fi sounding (it was an older Proceed, I think)..............As for the LP, I think I'll get a reissue (if they're still available), and possibly also an original of the LSC (the original Mercurys seem to be harder to come by than the LSC's).
The Koetsu is a wonderful cartridge; I almost bought one from Victor Goldstein years ago (he had a private stash of them, I think). If you can't get great string sound out of that, it could be the Golden Imports pressing, which generally were not up to the standards of the earlier Mercs. Carl, that's a nice cartridge you've got too--I've got a Ruby 2, and I like the immediacy and musicality of the Benz line. Plus, on a practical note, I like their re-tipping policy compared to other cartridge manufacturers.
No kidding?? I absolutely agree...though I don't plan on owning it long enough to need to have it done.
Time to do a rewind on my last posting.....I just received and installed a double run of Cardas Neutral Reference Speaker cables in a bi-wire configuration. The difference is amazing....more bass, cleaner, more extended highs, etc. The Golden Inports version may well be what Carl is looking for. Still, not as good as an original Mercury, but then, what is !!! BTW, this recording is available on CD...there's a review somewhere in TAS. On the subject of cartridges...while waiting for my Koetsu the dealer loaned me a Benz (can't remember the model number)that cost as much as the Koetsu - I was unimpressed with the Benz. The Koetsu, on the other hand..... !!! Prior to that I used a Koetsu Black, then a Black Gold Line.