Who is Most Beautiful female singer ever

I say Jewel and Debbie Harry.
how's about Cher when she was just starting out? very exotic looking and she had a very good voice (and a lot of talent as well). Rebecca Pigeon, not in the big leagues voice wise, but also very exotic looking.
Yea. She was kinda funky looking in a sexy way. Before she had her nose job. I think Sonny was trying to look like her. Definitely not the other way around.
Just saw Joss Stone last night. The "hippieish" (is that a word) blue-eyed soul singer w the great voice has grown up!!! Incredibly powerful and soulful voice, v. tight band, charming, sweet stage presence, great English accent, short, short, skirt and legs that never quit. I don't know whether I want to adopt her or (fill in the blank) her. The whole package. Go see her tour if it's nearby!!!!!!!!!!
Ive never heard Joss Stone but heard of her. I just Google image searched her and was able to fill in your blank quickly.