Bob Dylan, have an opinion?

Would love to hear your comments on the man. Good, bad or indifferent. Is he rocks most influential artist? Is he a musical and poetic genius? What are your favorite albums, songs, and concerts. Cornfedboy, ya got any good Dylan stories?
I once ran Joni's recorded voice through an osciliscope and boy, talk about pure tones. She hits them all the time.
Dekay, I run Joni's voice through my speakers all the time, and can verify the purity of what your oscilloscope measures.

The one thing that you and I can appreciate that the oscilloscope cannot, are the vivid images she constructs. They may not be as startling as the world as viewed by Dylan, but they beautifully reflect her life experiences. It is obvious she is devoted to her music, and within her music is the truth of her pain in love (and lost), her travels and experiences, and her abstract views of moments that she never wants to forget. Musical stories, bound with pure tone, the true meaning of the gift of music.
Hi Albert: I did this in junior high school and the AV crew ran it through an overhead projector for an assembly. I do not know if this is a common occurence for singers but I was shocked at the time by the symetry of the patterns that none of us could dupicate ourselves. I met her once on Malibu Beach when she was doing some kind of jazz album (another long story that I won't tell) but just wanted to note that she chain smoked Winstons for the hours that I was there and my friend told me that she always smoked like that. From the way that she was toking away you think that she would have sounded like Tom Waits, but not at all, what a sweet voice.
Dekay, I never met her, and would gladly trade about a half dozen of those (in rock and roll) that I have met in trade for your experience. She is one of a handful of artist that I have never grown tired of, in spite of the many changes she has endured since the late 60's.
Dekay, could you please tell the story about the time you met Joni you lucky guy. You can't start something like that without finishing (ive heard that somewhere before)
Please please please.