one whiskey,one scotch,one beer

I heard this George Thorogood song on the radio a while back.I hadnt heard it in a while and I had no recordings by him.I checked out eBay hoping to find a vinyl copy of "The Baddest" (best of) but no luck.So I broke down and went to the local CD joint and sprang for one of those aluminum little discs.Anyway,this CD ROCKS! The fidelity is very good also!The last 2-3 songs are a bit weak but this is one hot CD! Anyone else BAD TO THE BONE??
'Twas not the nearly & dearly departed John Lee, but the altogether more "urbane" rhythm'n'bluesman Amos Milburn who cut the original of your tune (correctly titled "One Scotch, One Bourbon, One Beer"), a national hit on the R&B charts, for Aladdin Records in 1953. This track has been much anthologized, so go out and get yourself a copy to hear a completely different, mellow sounding and good-humoredly world-weary take on the theme that Thorogood recast as an angry ode to the black-out binge.
zaikesman- Very good! I have spent the last 1/2 hour researching your above post and I found MANY sources that say Hooker was the original author of this song.It does seem they are wrong as I found a source that confirms your post.It also had a sound bite of the song and it was released before Hookers version.BTW,Hookers version was/is called "one bourbon,one scotch,one beer"
Odd,huh? I think the Thorogood version is more my style and I dont find it angry at all.