your favorite violin or fiddle cuts, and why?

There are so many titles out there, and without buying them all, this is the best place for advice. thanks
The slow(second) movement from the JS Bach Concerto for Two Violins in d minor.
Khachaturian Vioin Concerto, for classical.
Scarlet Rivera for popular/ethnic.
The violin passages in Vaughn Williams' "The Lark Ascending" and Rimsky–Korsakov's "Sherazade" are truly beautiful pieces. They take me away every time I hear them. Cheers, Lee
Itzhak Perlman...My Favourite Kreisler...EMI7474672. Virtuoso performances of encore compositions by a virtuoso violinist. What more could you ask?
"Catfish" by Clarence "Gatemouth" Brown. I LOVE this track; no one can swing any harder than Gate!