Best of the holidays to all...


It has been said that hardship makes a person stronger. We Americans have seen a lot in 2001. From my vantage point, I believe we emerged in glorious fashion.

From my personal experience, the flag, and the colors that make it up, have taken on a new found meaning.

Thanks to all who participated in the Audiogon/AudioAsylum September 11th Auction. It proves what we accomplish when we all refocus ourselves. Only the most foolish would understimate our resolve. Thanks to Arnie and Rod for making such a grand undertaking seem so smooth and easy. I think I speak for many when we say the items we picked up sound just a bit more "sweet and musical" than those products normally would.

I am wishing everyone here at Audiogon and their families a
!!!! *** MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR *** !!!!

Joe Trelli
I want to follow Joe's words with a few of my own, thanking all of the regulars on this forum (Garfish, Swampwalker, Tireguy, AVGuyGeorge, Rcprince, Sara, Sean, and many others -- yes, even Cornfedboy) for the shared views and camaraderie over the past year. We are fortunate people, as Americans and as audiophiles. I also send my best wishes to the "newbies" who have come to this site in the past year looking for help. Merry Christmas and a successful and happy 2002 to all of you. God bless us, everyone.

Scott Campbell
thank you scott. and a happy christmas to you and yours. and to trelja, too.

A nice thought Joe-- thanks, and Happy Holidays to you and to all other Audiogon members and readers as well. And my thanks and best wishes to Scott too.

I've found Audiogon to be a special and enjoyable place to "hang out" because of the many genuinely nice, knowledgeable, and thoughtful people here. Best Wishes and Cheers to all, and this certainly includes Arnie and the rest of the Audiogon Staff. Craig