Where do you sit?

When you listen to music, where do you like to sit?

On the floor? Beanbag? Rocking chair? Sofa?

We just put a convertible sofa/bed in our new music room, and I must tell you it is by far the best tweak or upgrade you can possible get!

So where do you guys and gals set your posteriors for music enjoyment? After all, that is the payoff of this crazy addiction, and the best seat in the house!

Ah, Driver, I see my comment. I was not, in that case, taking a jab at USPS! I was just commenting that goverment is WAYYY to involved in our lives and should worry about the 'basics.' Beleive it or not, that was an innocent remark. Remember, the original concept of the Federal Gvt. was that it'd be self funded through mail fees.

I wish Miami USPS service took 1/10th as much pride in their jobs as you did; I would then be a very happy customer.

Tireguy:never though of putting a V sofa like, sounds like a good twist.

Nilthepill: I could never find a chair/recliner that was comfortable for more than the first hour or so.

Wherever my butt does not squash a snoozing cat. When I get serious I pull a low backed chair out from the dining table and place it in the near field.
Leather reclining chair in the sweet spot. It's probably not the optimal chair for sound reproduction, but it does just fine, thank you.

FYI - Bachelor with semi-dedicated sound room.
To Killerpiglet

My wife and I have been listening for thirty years on giant bean bags with multiple buckwheat husk pillows to support our heads. With my sigtech I can get rid of the small high bass dip caused by them. When your top favorites include Wagner, Mahler and Bruckner you want to be comfortable for long periods of time/
i always thought that a barber's chair would be great. Comfortable, height adjustable, and can swivel. Only thing needed would be wheels to move to nearfield or farfield.