What companies have gone above and beyond?

I have had a few products back to the manufacturer for different reasons. Some companies have been fantastic to deal with while others have been a disappointment. Sota was so good I couldn't believe it. Aragon was almost as good. What companies have you dealt with that provided exceptional service?
I've experienced great service from Pass Labs, Mike Elliott at Alta Vista Audio (Counterpoint mods/repairs), Bobby Palkovic at Merlin, and Ric Schultz at EVS.
KIRK from Audio Electronic Supply/Cary. Very friendly patient, helpful and honest!! Not only do thier products shine so does thier appretiation for thier customers!!
I'd also like to add Virtual Dynamics to my list, which I hastily sent in before. I had a huge problem, I mean HUGE, but Rick & Brett up there took care of it.

I also just received a power cord for my Pass pre amp from Peter Perkins at Pass Labs (at no charge & right after I posted the first time). This is after I returned the pre amp to them & they rebuilt the power supply & upgraded the transformer, at no additional charge. I originally sent the pre to them for a complete refurbishing & initially was astounded by the level & quality of service. Yes, I did pay for the work the first time & it was well worth it but they have continued to provide outstanding follow up service.