What companies have gone above and beyond?

I have had a few products back to the manufacturer for different reasons. Some companies have been fantastic to deal with while others have been a disappointment. Sota was so good I couldn't believe it. Aragon was almost as good. What companies have you dealt with that provided exceptional service?
I'd also like to add Virtual Dynamics to my list, which I hastily sent in before. I had a huge problem, I mean HUGE, but Rick & Brett up there took care of it.

I also just received a power cord for my Pass pre amp from Peter Perkins at Pass Labs (at no charge & right after I posted the first time). This is after I returned the pre amp to them & they rebuilt the power supply & upgraded the transformer, at no additional charge. I originally sent the pre to them for a complete refurbishing & initially was astounded by the level & quality of service. Yes, I did pay for the work the first time & it was well worth it but they have continued to provide outstanding follow up service.
Folks @ Audio Research
Victor,Dan @ BAT
Peter @ Pass Labs
CC Poon @ Monarchy Audio

These guys have save me time, anxeity, $$$, and always a step closer to audio excellence.
Lots of people have had good vibes with Brent at Virtual Dynamics. Nice guy, eh?

My best experience to date has been with John Meyer, who is the founder and designer at Newform Research. I spoke with him AFTER buying a used pair of R645's and he insisted that I email my room dimensions to him so he could help me with placement! This guy is something else - a true audiophile gentleman. He's another Canadian by the way - like the VD and Bryston guys. Are you seeing a pattern here?

My hat also goes off to George Tice, who in an absolute pleasure to deal with. I guess some of us Americans are OK too...