Best Looking components / your vote please

Forget (for a moment) what they SOUND like.... What do you think are the MOST beautiful, most outrageous components out there!! Just sheer drool factor!!
Not sure how anyone can pass up the all timer, McIntosh gear. The blue meters, a love or hate relationship!

I love em'!!

McIntosh MC2000 Millennium tube amplifier! Especially in the dark with the VUs switched off! And then the sound of it....!
I like Dolly Parton's components.

Not very musical, but the best L-OO-KING and the highest "drool factor" by far...
I agree with Aida_w. When you seat in the dark and in front of you a beautiful glowing blue VUs and all the tubes and the incredible sound of MC 2102 (little brother of MC2000) you would forget anything at that moment...!