How does Sony DVP-S9000ES compare to other Sony's?

How does the DVP-S9000ES compare to Sony's high end players such as CDP-C555ES, CDP-X7ES, and their SACD players, CD-1, and xa777es? Just curious if it would keep me happy if I bought.
i'm using a Audible Illusions Modulus 3A pre-amp, Bel Canto EVO2 amp, Celestion 11 (will be replacing with?) speakers, and NAD 5000 CD player (needs to be replaced, is having tracking and skipping problems)

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Audire: I have not been able to find any info other than some specs,as the player is not out for 2-3 more weeks.I did see it reported that list is $999.Given the number of Denon dealers,I am certain discounted units will be available within months.
I have one for more than one year now. It is sensitive to power cable, therefore, make sure you have good power conditioning and cable for it(I use Ernie's Beldon 83802).
Shunyata sidewinder is very good to my setup also. It is a pretty good SACD player and CD transport. Yes, I wish it could be warmer especially for redbook, therefore a outboad DAC is recommended. Also recommend using warmer IC/amp/speaker. I prefer Cu IC (AQ python, TMC, MIT..) for redbook, but no problem with silver ones(Nordost) for SACD. XA777 and SCD-1 are better but more expensive too. I would put my extra $$ on room treatment and speaker first. If those two are OK already, then polish the sound at source end.
I think that Albert's CDR may be one that I made. Sent him an email to confirm this before posting any details.
The CD that played in Albert's deck was one that I made.

I used a Pioneer PDR-W839 stand alone CD burner and "Digital Audio" blanks.

The Pioneer only accepts "Digital Audio" blanks, which are more expensive, but as an aside it makes great copies.
I do not know how it compares to another Sony's but I know how it compares to old Arcam CD player (it unfortunately does not, after few months I can see how unmusical it is).
Detailed review:

After two more months with it we are not using it any more except for DVD's. And I'm not going to buy SACD player at least from SONY in the future.

Mine conclusion technology does not matter as much as maker.