Where do you draw the line???

There are many interesting threads here about innumerable topics where people share many different opinions. If the truth be known I think many of us are still open to suggestion or opposing points of view regarding most things, but there must be some issues about which we are unwilling to budge.

In your own mind what is the concession you are unwilling to make?

For example; many people feel tubes are superior to solid state equipment. I have owned tube gear, and have several friends who I respect that still own tube gear, but I will not concede that solid state equipment is inferior to tubes.

Another concession I cannot make is the superiority of CDs to vinyl. I have a good CDP and have listened to better than my own, and in my experience LPs still are the hands-down winner for sound quality.

I have and like Krell equipment, and have been taken to task because of it. I'm still not selling it to buy another brand.

The question is: Regardless of the opinion of others what views or opinions are you unwilling to change???

Lets not fight! This is supposed to be fun!!!
Well i gotta agree with you there TWL.

I sure wouldnt mind a larger budget either.

all in due time... got to take care of the important things before i can get new toys.
Post removed 
Elizabeth, I obviously did misunderstand your comments about the RIAA curve and LP purchases. Sorry! I'm not sure anymore where I got the idea, perhaps I'm more delusional than I thought.

Someday I'm gonna pull my Victory along-side Tom's BMW and listen to those Lothar's. I hope he's not home when I do it. I don't want to get shot!!!

It is not my intention to say that there are no good "budget" products out there, but as TWL clarified, as a generalization better gear costs more. I'm still not sure that my system sounds better than TWL's though.

Everybody likes different gear and different sound, that doesn't make the other person wrong (unless of course, they disagree with me). :^)

The last question Elizabeth asks though is a very improtant one, but maybe not one to be dealt with on AudiogoN!
Actually my comments were directed toward the fact that a 30k system must sound better then a 20k system or the owner of the 30k system screwed up.

Audio equipment is not built to a price point to get the maximum amount of sound for the $$$. If one has bothered to look around. They will notice a very arbitrary pricing pattern. This is called marketing. Selling at a price point for maximum profit.

The audio mind set seems to be that if it costs more it must sound better.

Speakers, cables and interconnects seem to really thrive on the more $$$ must be better sounding mentality that is so rampid in audio.

$9000 dollar speaker wires. $5000 interconnects. You don't think the sellers of such items are sitting back and laughing at the gullability of potential purchasers?

I've talked with the owner of the company that sells the $2400 monitors with the same drivers as his $18,000 speakers on several occasions.

Several of the options he offers are Cardas binding posts ($300) Cardas Litz wiring ($300) and external crossover ($400). Straight out and in no uncertain terms he stated, the effect of these options added nothing to the sound, absolutely NIL!!!

Why offer them then? Audiophiles were demanding such items.

Do my $2600 monitors sound better then my $400 (direct from manufacturer) speakers? Damn right! Will every set of $2600 speakers sound better then my $400 speakers? I would certainly hope so. Will every set of $800 speakers sound better and/or have better drivers cabints etc. then my $400 speakers. Absolutely not!
sound better then $13000 speakers as a general rule. Point is here were some beautifully finished speakers that looked very impressive. Mahogany finish with 11 drivers in each cabinet. The crossover was so bad that you could actually tell which driver the music was coming from. I wouldn't believe it had I not heard it myself.

Newbee perty balless comment. Easy to hunch over your computer and take potshots at someone you will never have to face. "If you can't discredit the message discredit the messenger" Looking at your previous posts in this thread you seem to advocate the same beliefs as myself. Care to make any actual worthwhile comments on the 30k must sound better then the 20k simply because it costs more?