Your budget - $20K - best system for a small room

If I could start over and develop a system for a small listening room (11 x 12 x 8) with a budget of $20K total, what 2-channel system would you recommend. Used is OK. Digital source and FM tuner. Remote required. I listen to jazz, vocals, classical. Once it's built, I would like to describe it as musical, refined, smooth.
Thanks for your ideas.
$20,000 huh? For some reason, that's a magic number. A lot of people are willing to spend $20,000 on audio, but not more... kinda interesting...

Anyway, what I would do...

BAT VK-3iX w/ remote and phono card-- $3500
BAT VK-220 amp-- $2500
Vandersteen 3A Signature-- $3500
Vandersteen 2Wq subwoofers-- $2600
Vandie crossover-- $800

That's $11,300, leaving you over $7,000 for sources, cables, and accessories. Should be plenty. And buying the speakers used would save you even more...

The Vandie 3A's may be a little bit big for your room, though... in which case I'd simply jump down to the 2CE sigs. But I'd try the 3A Sig's first in hopes that they would work.

Don't know if it works with analog sources, but research Z-Systems digital preamps (specifically the one, or ones which function as an equalizer within the digital domain).

A'Gon member danvetc uses one in his office system (small room) and from what he's told me it does wonders making up for acoustic shortcomings.

The preamp/equalizer he uses has a review @ TNT Audio.

Assuming that you do not want to greatly alter the apperance of the room (room treatments) using some type of sound shaping device would seem to be a reasonable method of achieving your goal (good/great sound) in a small listening room.
A good start would be the following:
SET Amp -- Wavelength Audio
New Audio Frontiers Speakers -- Ref. 2 or 3 ($4 - 4.5K approx.)

My gear consists of Soundlab M1 speakers, CAT Jl-1 monoblocks, Wadia 861 CDP, Solid Tech Rack of Silence, custom made cables.

My purpose in mentioning my equipment, is to suggest my leanings, and advise if I were interested in moving from large, power hungry, full-range electrostatic speakers, the above components would be 1st. on my short list.

While I'm sure not many have heard New Audio Frontier Speakers, I can assure you of their sonic attributes. They’re very fast/transparent, one of the best box speakers that I've heard, and quite easily driven by SET's.

My local audio dealer here in Indianapolis, is the importer for these speakers, and the seller of all the gear I own – including the 2-chanel gear already mentioned, and my (7) HT speakers. Although I said local dealer, he was for several years; however, Jim recently moved to CAL., and it's an understatement to state that I will miss hanging out at his store, and obtaining his very cogent, objective advice.

Jim's opinions were highly valued, and I could implicitly trust his advice. Something, I'm sure you would agree is difficult to find, in this hobby.

With that said, take a peek at Jim's A-Gon posting, give him a call, and chat about your needs. He can be found at: -- or simply search for: New Audio Frontiers.

No, I'm not related to Jim, in business with him, or in a position to monetarily gain from this plug. I'm just simply a very satisfied customer and am grateful for Jim's advice, and will miss his store, and the fellow hobbyists I had the pleasure of meeting there.
$20k is a magic number since it *CAN* be attainable for a lot of folks. $308/4weeks is $4k/yr. That's a major component purchase each year right there! In four or five years you'll have your $20k (or thereabouts) system.

As to milkman's observation of the $20k barrier - I think to a lot of folks the $20k barrier is pretty psychological. Much in the same way a $1k or $2k would seem to a non-audiophile. One $20k seems to buy a whole lot of performance without loosing everything completely to diminishing returns. And two it's a nice round number. But good observation milkman. But normally I would guess the ranges to be $10k and $40k. That's what I think I see.
Audio Note:

Soro SE Integrated New $4000
AN E/Spe Speakers New $5000
CD3.1x CD player About $2000 used

That leaves at least $9000 for cables and upgrades, more if you buy the Soro & speakers used. If you do go used there, you can upgrade to CDT Two & a better DAC, or higher level speakers.