If Money Were No Object... A Fantasy Question

Let's say you're filthy stinking rich and had $1,000,000+ to spend on an audio system. What would you do, assemble a single SOTA system or for the same amount of money put together multiple very high quality (and certainly not cheap) non-SOTA systems.

This fantasy is in the either/or format. Points will be deducted for thoses who answer "both".
I'd throw a HUGE toga party and have the Bare Naked Ladies play at it, cuz they're musically talented and pretty damned funny guys. Opening band? George Thoroughgood, can't beat good old George for party music! The invite list would be all my friends on AudioGon and the Hawaiian Tropic girls. The Tropic girls would not be in togas for obvious reasons.

At the end of the party everyone would get a fully tricked out Bose system and a sledgehammer, we'd all have a wonderful time "modifying" the fine gear Bose markets. Hmmmm, wonder if there would be enough Tropic girls to go around so everyone left with a momento on their arm?

Oh yeah, I'd buy every vinyl record on earth and wonder where the hell the $1 million went to?
Jeff, I'm sure the "momento" can be cured at any walk in medical clinic in your area.. Should the need arise.
I'd get the best seats to every concert I'm intereseted anywhere in the world.
--An acoustically correct room designed by a good architect.
--A Steinway grand.
--Van Alstine fet/valve amp,preamp,dac. Magnum Dynalab Tuner.Good disk transport. Maggie 20's.
--An extensive collection of classical and jazz software.

--balance,50% Benjamin Graham enterprising investor screen common stock portfolio.50% investment grade,intermediate term corporate bonds.
As a point of reference, when I refer to SOTA products I mean all out assaults on sonic excellence with little regard to practicality. Almost by definition these products will be costly, although I'm not sure they have to be hideously expensive. The Rockport turntable/arm and the Wisdom loudspeakers are examples of the type of products I have in mind.