best concert venue

What's the best SOUNDING concert venue you've been in? Anywhere in the world. Large or small; famous or obscure?
My choice is also Carnegie Hall...very "tube-like" sound.

Marakanetz, where is the Iridium Jazz Club? Keep the responses coming as the info is very useful for all of us when we travel.
For great analog sound – Concertgebouw, Amsterdam; the “old” Carnegie Hall; The Large Hall of the Tchaikovsky Conservatory (Bolshoi Sal); Mechanics Hall, Worcester, MA. (no joke!)

For digital sound – Anything built after 1950
Speaking of the Iridium Jazz Club (in NYC), Billy Cobham is coming there in September. If you've not seen him, you MUST!
Troy Music Hall - Troy, NY
Academy of Music - Philadelphia, PA (I still like it better than the Kimmel Center)
McCarter Theater - Princeton, NJ (Great folk music venue)
Symphony Hall - Boston, MA (My single all-time favorite)