I was a hard core Linux user, but since administering Windows NT and 2000 Server pays the bills, I run the OSes as much as I can.
My main home rig (Athlon w/ cheetah) is running Windows 2000 Professional with Office 2000 SBE. Currently Windows 2000 is my OS of choice. (Been running NT-based OSes on the desktop since 3.51)
I have several other frankenstein lab machines, most which multiboot NT 4 ws/srv, 2000 pro/srv, and XP pro. Those are my "lab" PCs that I use for self-paced training in my basement. I own NT4 server, but the 2000 Server is the 120 day eval copy. Which isn't a problem since I use to to run Citrix MetaFrame, which has to be reinstalled every 35 days, anyway. FWIW, other than that, I'm legit.
I'd like to get a copy of Office XP mess around with. I hear nothing but Good Things(tm) about it!