Isolation Sand Boxes

I built some MDF sand boxes and filled them with 15 lbs of sand. Why do they make my CD player sound quieter?
So you're saying I should keep the sand boxes under it when I get the MK4's?
Interesting. Tweaking is fun.
Well of course it's lifeless, you aren't using audiophile quality sand. Do yourself a favor and drop $500 for a couple pounds of Silentra Mass V sand.
I recently upgraded to their Diagrit series, best $1500 I ever spent. The imaging prolems that had plauged my system all but disapeared and my lower-mid resolution became clearer much finer grained. There's also a slight improvement in bottom end weight, although I'm sure it would be more if I had more sand.
I tried quicksand, and it was great for the 45 seconds that the CD player stayed in sight.....

I'm actually using Silentra's Diagrit series! I first used the NORMAL sand that I had brought home with me from Florida, then I decided I would upgrade. Like you said overall the presentation was much finer grained than with the regular non audiophile quality sand. I think everybody should have Diagrit in their system. I second Grungle, best $1500 I ever spent!
Buckingham, BIG mistake with the Florida sand, far too coarse for your purposes. If you can make it to the Sahara, now there's the ultimate...