I agree that the CD player does not sound good on the sand box, the amps do though. Though the sandbox does work well (with digital) when used with BD racing cones or even much better the Walker Valid Points
Well of course it's lifeless, you aren't using audiophile quality sand. Do yourself a favor and drop $500 for a couple pounds of Silentra Mass V sand. I recently upgraded to their Diagrit series, best $1500 I ever spent. The imaging prolems that had plauged my system all but disapeared and my lower-mid resolution became clearer much finer grained. There's also a slight improvement in bottom end weight, although I'm sure it would be more if I had more sand.
I'm actually using Silentra's Diagrit series! I first used the NORMAL sand that I had brought home with me from Florida, then I decided I would upgrade. Like you said overall the presentation was much finer grained than with the regular non audiophile quality sand. I think everybody should have Diagrit in their system. I second Grungle, best $1500 I ever spent!
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