Why so many Plinius for sale lately

I was curious why there seem to be a lot of the latest versions of Plinius amps for sale lately, like the 100MkIII and the 250MkIV. The asking prices seem to be pretty low, yet they haven't been marked as sold. All the reviews I've read rate them pretty highly.
While this will probably result in a "flame fest" or "negative points bashing", maybe the owners have finally listened to them with open ears. My limited experience with a Plinius based system ( amp & pre ) was rather harsh, strident and fatigue ridden. Even though it was used as a dealers "reference system", it might have been set up poorly for all i know. Either way, it would not be the first time that i've heard a product that i disliked quite a bit even though it was "raved" about. Like anything else, it is both system and personal preference related though, so your mileage may vary. Sean
In the past few years, I have owned a number of amps, including two Plinius', two Krells, a Classe, Sim Audio, Bryston and a Rowland Concentra II. As strange as it may sound, I liked every one of them. They all had strengths and weaknesses.

My opinion of the Plinius is that, what it does well, it does far better than all the others. For dynamics, bass and a sweet midrange, it was very enjoyable, having the best qualities of the Krell, but not nearly as grainy or harsh. In the right setup, with a good recording, it was as good as anything I have heard. In fact at times I was stunned by how good it sounded. I listen to many kinds of music. It had the delicacy, detail and slam to work with all of them.

Now, for the downside, the tradeoff. The same qualities that made it impressive, made it difficult to listen to at other times. Unfortunately this was the case with a good deal of my cd collection. I think some of Sean's criticism is justified, but I disagee, in that I believe this is the case with most solid state amps. My experience with tubes is different problems, same result.

For this reason, I have settled in with the Rowland Concentra. The presentation is never too much. It has delicacy and nuance that is enough to draw me into the music, and enough power and dynamics that I don't feel something is missing. I think this is my compromise, one of balance, giving up a little, to get a lot.

To sum up, I will say, that of the group, the Plinius is my second favorite amp. I even miss it at times, and I would recommend it within a certain budget and system.
I agree with SEAN I dont really care for them either. I heard them at the dealer and was far from impressed. Nice to look at though.
Typically, when a manfacturer overhauls the line the "old stuff" instantly finds it's way to the used market. Thsi happens for two reasons:

1. Diehards have to have the latest, most current model.

2. Nondiehards are ready to move on to something else.

This happens with all brands of equipment. If you happen to own Plinius, it does not invalidate your buying decision if you are happy with the sound, keep it. If you are considering buying it it may be a good chance to get a "good deal" on a previous generation piece of equipment. Regards, Doug