Low Voltage on Circuit

Just tested the Voltage coming out of my wall and it was 112.7 V. This is obviously too low to feed my 120V tube monoblocs and my tubed pre amp. For about a week when I turned on my equipment it would shut off after about 30 seconds of play. I stumbled for a few days trying to isolate the problem but kept running in circles. I then took a trip to get a multimeter and tested the juice from the wall. Please let me know how to fix this, preferably with an inexpensive step up transformer or other solution that can be done DIY for under $100. My associated equipment all on the same circuit is:

Rogue Audio Magnum M120 Monoblocs (120Watts)
DIY pre amp using 2 6SN7 tubes
EAD Ultradisk 2000 CDP

I found this product for super cheap. It does voltage regulation, surge protection and some conditioning.
Here's another link for that voltage regulator. Is 5 amp and 600W output enough to feed the Rogue Monoblocs and my tubed pre?

Being that you live in Canada I can't say for sure what to do. A simple call to the power company couldn't hurt for starters. During a heat wave demand goes up and voltage goes down. I'd check it again when it's cooler, try late at night if it cools off.

Good luck
If it´s the power company´s fault or the particular house you´re in, try to check voltage at a neighbors house to see if the situation is the same (Dunno if that´s possible?)

Does the house has 240 feed with two phases?
Don´t know but might be a chance if the wiring is old that the house is on the low side phase which might make things worst....Have to ask the question and better if the power company guys pay you a visit
Good Luck