Busted Phillips Screws

one of the lugs on my speakers came loose , so I used a power screw driver to remove the Phillips screws holding the plate in the back. 3 out of the six screws came out fine. The other three had the indentaions smashed, now I am stuck with three phillips screws that I can get out. Will seek the advice of someone more mechanically inclined then myself, but any advice is appreciated. My thought is to take a drill and destroy the screws completely. However I wont do anything until I consult with a few friends. THX
First...Try using a phillips head slightly larger than normal for that size screw. Not too larage. The tip of the phillips head must still fit in what remains of the screw hole.

Second thing if that does not work.......Can you get hold of the sides of the screw head with a pair of pliers? If so, use a pair of locking pliers (vise-grips, etc); lock the pliers tightly around the screw head; and twist the pliers (and the screws) off. Needle nose vise-grips for tight places best.
A tool called screw extractor was designed for people in exactly your situation.

Inserting it into the busted Phillips and applying unscrew action will back it out. Available from large hardware and automotive stores.

Take along one of the good screws for size comparison.
Sears has been advertising the "Screw Out" (no kidding!) with Bob Villa up here in Canada on TV-seems like just the job for it!