In my HT I've been using little NHT SuperOnes and SuperZeros powered by a brutish ATI 1505 150x5 for five years with no problems at all.
I'm currently running a BAT VK200 into my ProAc Response 1SCs in my 2 channel system with good results.
An amp with plenty of power is less likely to go into clipping, so you'll be feeding your speakers cleaner, less distorted power. As the previous posters said, as long as you don't crank it too much you'll be fine.
I'm currently running a BAT VK200 into my ProAc Response 1SCs in my 2 channel system with good results.
An amp with plenty of power is less likely to go into clipping, so you'll be feeding your speakers cleaner, less distorted power. As the previous posters said, as long as you don't crank it too much you'll be fine.