New Guy asking for help

Need advise: Which is best for my budget, this or that? And is it better to use these with that or those with this? Or would you guys suggest the other way around? Also, I have the usual size room with a ceiling. Should that or this go on one side or on the other? Please be advice!
This is this and that is that and never the twain shall meet.I'd listen to this friend's system and that friend's system and objetivly ask yourself what you do and don't like(your friends won't be pressuring you to buy to collect a commission)). Please remember that you do not listen to this price tag or that brand logo;you listen to the music.
I would start by getting a floor to go with your usual sized room and ceiling otherwise speaker placement will be tricky.
stop worring about it so much, there is no high end system in the world that compares to the Bose Wave Radio. I saw it on TV so its GOTTA be true right?

This is too tinny, That is too mushy, and the other has no imaging, mixing this and that is a bad idea unless you have the other between them.

i also like the reccommendation of removing the ceiling, but you might want to take it another step and remove the walls and floors as well, then have a gigantic slab of marble layed in the hole that used to be the foundation.

or better yet, get a shotgun and kidnap your favorite music artists and make em shutttup and sing/play.

"No highs, No lows, Must be Bose"