Ayone know the wattage used at a Rock concert?

I just attended a Dave Matthews concert last night at a large outdoor venue (very good show). The sound level was incredible, the bass was chest thumping. I'm wondering what type of amplification is used at something like this, ie, number of amps, type of amps, number of watts, that type of thing. Anyone have any experience with this stuff? I kinda like trivial knowlegde of this sort. Thanks.
Ellery- That sounds more realistic (25K watts) for a modern stadium show. And the Dead sound quailty was often in another league compared to their peers!!
Can't answer your question directly, but i remember reading somewhere that all the speakers used to broadcast the Molson Indy in Toronto a couple years ago were all run off a single crown amp...800watts i think, with a huge damping factor...
also the highest concert level ever recorded was at a Who concert, the speakers were run off a numer of Phase Linear amps.
I just happen to have an old issue of Pro Sound News at work and one of the monthly contents for sound reinforcement is Live Sound Showcase and Top 10 Tours Of The Month which gives you the Act/Sound Co.,venue, crew, and equipment (not quantity).

For The Dave Matthews Band
Ultra Sound/Pro Media
Saratoga Performing Arts Center, Saratoga,NY
house amp: Crest 8001, 7001, 6001
monitor amp: Crest 7001
house speakers: Meyer MSL-10, 650-R2, MSL-3, MSL-4, UM-1 front fills
monitor speakers: Meyer USM-1
personel monitor system: Shure PSM600 with Sensaphonics 2X buds.

other breakdown of equipment used from FOH & Monitor Consoles, Hardwire Mics, to rack equipment

Wattage is a strange thing.

I just got back from seeing Harry Potter at the IMAX. They boast of having 12,000 watts and 6 channels.

My two channel 4 ohm speaker set-up has 2400 watts.

A pair of Cello Strad. Grand Masters driven by bridged Performance amps has 12,000 watts.

A pair of Klipshorns can be driven to deafening levels with five watts.
Swampwalker...so true...they always seemed to have their sound dialed in perfectly...and I didn't get to see them until 1987 for my first time...I can only imagine what they were running then as the wall of sound was from the early 70's.