Building Amp Stands

I was fortunate to find a plank of 2 inch thick purple heartwood, which I then had cut into two pieces to be used for amp stands for a pair of Atma-sphere M-60 mk2.2 monoblocks. Currently, each amp is sitting atop of a set of Aurios 1.0's, which, in turn, sit atop of a Syposium shelf which rests on a carpeted floor.

I want to put a set of 3 spiked brass feet on the bottom of each piece of heartwood, placing the Symposium shelf/Aurios atop of the spiked heartwood stand.

I've seen large brass spikes which attach to the bottom of the amp stands via adhesive pads (Focal Points, Revelation Audio Points). How would this method of attachment compare with drilling and tapping a threaded sleeve to secure the feet? Even though a professional woodworking shop would do the drilling and tapping, purple heartwood is a BEAR to work with, with the remote chance of cracking the wood, and the increased cost for the shop's services.
I hate working with purpleheart.

It is a stunning stock when done correctly though
With equipment like yours, you should audition the Sistrum stands with your amps. When you hear how they will open the soundstage you will be blown away. They have a 100% money back guarantee and it is worth a listen. Talk to Robert at Sistrum and he will explain the technology behind them.
Before you start drilling holes at random, try reading the Stereophile article entitled "Bad Vibes" by Shannon Dickson. From what i can remember, it mentions a formula that supposedly tells you the optimum or near optimum place to locate spikes / cones under a component or shelf. Sean
Great article - I feel armed with concrete beginner information that I will have to refer to in the future. A formula is included which locates nodes within a platform. Why a node is interesting but is counter to some people's beliefs.
I suggest forgo the drilling and use Walker Audio Valid Points. These are massive and can handle anything. They can be delivered drilled and tapped as well, but I really do not think it is needed in your situation. They are a bit pricey but the best cone available, in my opinion.