Some thoughts
Webster's dictionary indicates that one of the definitions of "fidelity" is:
The degree to which an electronic device (as a record player, radio, or television) accurately reproduces its effect (as sound or picture).
The definition of "high" includes:
1. constituting the .... most fully developed
2 : rich in quality : LUXURIOUS
3 : of greater degree, amount, cost, value, or content than average, usual, or expected
High fidelity, then, seems to be ability to very accurately reproduce music to the highest degree, but it also suggests an element of quality and development.
Both of the lines of thought in this thread seem to be true; that is, high fidelity is accurate reproduction of sound and it has an element of enjoyment as well.
The questions that arise out of this include;
Does more accurate reproduction of music lead to greater enjoyment? (I'll put this question in as another thread)
Would Reubent enjoy music that is "low fidelity"?
Webster's dictionary indicates that one of the definitions of "fidelity" is:
The degree to which an electronic device (as a record player, radio, or television) accurately reproduces its effect (as sound or picture).
The definition of "high" includes:
1. constituting the .... most fully developed
2 : rich in quality : LUXURIOUS
3 : of greater degree, amount, cost, value, or content than average, usual, or expected
High fidelity, then, seems to be ability to very accurately reproduce music to the highest degree, but it also suggests an element of quality and development.
Both of the lines of thought in this thread seem to be true; that is, high fidelity is accurate reproduction of sound and it has an element of enjoyment as well.
The questions that arise out of this include;
Does more accurate reproduction of music lead to greater enjoyment? (I'll put this question in as another thread)
Would Reubent enjoy music that is "low fidelity"?