How does the Ayre System Enhancement CD work?

anybody have any experience with this disc. I find track 7, particularly, to be extremely effective, but cannot for the life of me understand how a "285-second glide tone that sweeps from 5 Hz to 20 kHz" has the effect it does on my system. What's happening here? Sean? You're on. thanks in advance. peace, warren
But how do you know that three days of, oh let's say Norah Jones at high volume, wouldn't have yielded the same improvement?

Anyway, you are talking about using the disc for break in, but it's raison d'etre is demagnetization or whatever it is that it does with but one or two sweeps through Track 7.
Warren, I believe the frequency tone sweep was purposely used to find the system frequency bandwidth potential. It can also be use to find peak and dips in a speaker and room. I used to have a cleaning disc that had this tone sweep and many other useful tracks. One of the tracks had two 60 hz tone bursts which suppost to help eliminate static residue in the circuitboard. I see some improvement in the background but not dramatic.

How often do you do the Ayre disc? I'm a once a weeker, when I remember. Turns out that I forget quite a bit, but this is one of my New Years resolutions: To Ayre every week. One rez I can keep without too much
Drubin: I've used "pounding" heavy metal discs and other types of music at higher volumes for longer periods of time and gotten lesser results.

As far demagnetization goes, i don't know if it does that or not. All i know is that seems to work wonderfully as a break-in disc and "cleans things out" if used once in a while. Sean