Thanks guys!
Thanks guys!
Frequency Charts
Fatparrot, 440Hz is an A4. Note that A5 has a frequency of 880Hz, thus it is one octive higher than an A4 since it has twice the frequency. You can see this on the log graph as you go up an octive the spacing of the frequency gets closer together because 1) twice the frequency, 2) shorter wavelengths, also the same notes octives apart will be equally spaced on the graph. FYI middle C which is C4 has an frequency of 261.63Hz. |
Slappy: Set up a graph where the differences between each whole number is one inch. The difference between 1 and 2 would be one inch and the difference is one hundred percent(2 doubling one). The difference between 10 and 11 would be ten percent but still one inch. From 100 to 101 would be one percent but still one inch. Semi-log graph paper puts the horizontal lines closer together the higher the lines are so the distances and percentages are logical both ways. The kid at the stationary store who did his/her math homework can find the semi-log graph paper for you. |
Perhaps surprisingly, there is considerably more variation to note/frequency assignment--continuing even today--than one may have initially imagined. See, for example and |