Cryo-treating CDs?

I have heard that people who cryo-treat their CDs have noticeably better sound. Does anyone have any experience with this? It sounds good.
El, maybe one or both those treatments helps the CD player "read" the ones and zero's, and therefore reproducing the music more as it was intended.
Most cryo vendors have a per pound charge. Here is an example:

If you are fortunate enough to find a vendor locally, you may be able negotiate a slightly better price if they have an almost full load going in and you are the "top up". It is not very expensive.
I tried the Cyro thing 6-10 years ago after I read about it in Stereophile. The Cyro vendor was just a walk across the parking lot from my father's hosiery mill. I tried a couple of CD's and could not hear any difference. I had a 5$500 Rotel at the time. If I had a better player maybe the subtle nuiances would have come out. I have a much better CD player now. I have the Bedini clarifier and that DOES make a differnce. I may still try Cyro again. The knife I had Cyro treated held an edge that you would not believe. I would like to hear the physics side on how a cyro CD would sound better. Mike
Has anyone compared a cryo-treated CD to one beveled with the Audio Desk Systeme and demagnetized with a Bedini or Furtech?