Shorting caps/Cardas protective caps worth the $?

I´m curious about the caps for the rca inputs on my pre-amp. I´ve heard that some pre-amp don´t like having their input shorted. Should the Cardas protective caps give a better sollution?

Can anyone give a objective review on caps?

I use them (shorting plugs) on unused inputs on my integrated and think they they are a tweak that offers a very small performance enhancement. Along similar lines and with a much bigger positive effect is terminating the digital out on your CD player. Lots of info in the digital asylum at audioasylum about what is necessary to make up the appropriate termination; I'm never really focused on the technicals.
Thanks, people. I was just just wondering if it was worth getting into. I´ll see if I can lend some and try´em out for my self. See if I like´em ; )

I use the cardas on all unused RCA's. I am not sure if the do anything performence-wise, but they sure look clean and even the wife liked them, Not many tweaks that I have done get a WAF bonus.
RCA covering caps sound like dust preventers at best, however shorting plugs do work (to some degree). On my preamp I noticed on an unused input a buzz at highish levels. I put in shorting plugs and the buzz disappeared. Does that effect the output on other sources? Haven't got a clue but at the cost, what the hell.
Cardas caps and Shorting Plugs do work. Cleaner, better bass, detail and much more natural sounding. If your system is transparent enough these cheap add on tweaks will be worth the money.