drubin, i hope yure not placing *me* in that category of close-minded audiophiles, cuz i fully agree w/yer definitions of open-mindedness. (but, yudging by the negative feedback i got from my prewious post, perhaps some folks *do* feel i'm a bit close-minded. oh well...). one of the reasons i like s'phile is, while they may have many faults, they do subjective reviewing w/extremely thorough measurements. i'm all *for* scientific inwestigation, it's yust that i won't dismiss out-of-hand something that has yet to be werified by measurements - isle use my ears & decide for myself.
however, regarding your assessment of stevemj, i must humbly beg to disagree. he seems to be close-minded to sonic improvements that cannot be scientifically werified. in fact, regarding coating cd's w/a green edge, he even disputes this when there *is* some scientific evidence supporting its efficacy! personally, i gave up coating my cd's edges w/green, as it made no difference to *my* ears. but i don't dispute those who say they hear a difference. who knows, mebbe isle give it another whirl today - it *is* st. paddy's day... ;~)
regards, doug s.