I have never seen or heard of, much less driven, most of the cars you guys are obsessing about! Are they really that spectacular? I drove my friend's BMW 323i a few times and that is the absolute best, smooth shifting, smooth- and FAST-accelerating car I have ever driven. I used to drive a Jetta, now I drive a Mazda MPV automatic (to accommodate two black Labs and various speaker boxes and amps and stands, etc.), so I guess I am an incredible naif about these things. Still, to give up my stereo system for a CAR? Never. But for what Cornfed said, all my expenses, incurred as I wish, for as long as I live? YES.
Could someone very briefly state why the car thing is such a fetish? I could tell the huge difference between the BMW and anything else I've driven, but why go over the top into those formula 5 or whatever race cars?
Could someone very briefly state why the car thing is such a fetish? I could tell the huge difference between the BMW and anything else I've driven, but why go over the top into those formula 5 or whatever race cars?