Power Conditioning for a mid-fi system.

I am trying to get the best components I can get, but on my budget I do what I can do; however, I think my system, when it is done, well be better than your average bears'. Anyway, I have been plugging all of my stuff into the same power strip and it is getting kind of messy. I would like to get a good power conditioner, but what, and at a budget price, new or used. I think I am going to get an ultimate outlet for my subwoofer just because it is so far away from my other stuff. I have had my eye on a PS Audio rig, but new it is out of my price range for now and used, well, that isn't happening. It seems to be a hot item. What else is there?

Any ideas would be helpful.
Get dedicated lines first before you do all of this. They run about $100-$150 a line and get rid of all those cheap outlets on the power strips.
I'd start with a monster hts2000 (like $100-130 on shopping.yahoo.com). It doesn't have the extra (filting?) that the higher lever monster products have. I friend of mine has this, and it isn't too bad. He also has dedicated lines (which bigkidz mentioned). I think he was more pleased with the lines than the hts2000.

I went straight for a VansEvers clean line 85. There is a reference series with cryo'ed outlets (and maybe something else too). I haven't played with the Tice or Chang - but I've heard good things about them. The VansEvers is better than the monster hts2000, definitely. But unfortunately it runs about $400 used, or about $600 new.
I have the Vansevers Super Companion, I think it is around $150 new. Has digital and parallel filters, surge protection, 6 isolated outlets and a IEC. Does it make a difference? Not sure, didn't notice any change putting it in. However, they state that you notice such things more when you take out of your system than when you put in. I haven't taken it out yet.

I have my piece of mind anyway.
I actually use a Vansevers Super Companion for part of my HT system. One nice thing about it for a low cost device is the IEC plug, so you can upgrade the power cord on it.

I use a Vansevers Reference 85 on another system with a Blue Circle BC62 power cord replacing Mike's standard cord.

I have also replaced all the outlets everywhere I have any kind of audio or video gear, even in areas not having dedicated lines. Well worth the small expense.

Have you used the HTS2000 in your system? I have had very good results using two of them for the past three years.

So far I have been able to try the HTS1000/2500 & 3500 models (which I did not care for), but the HTS2000 is an exception. The HTS2000 was also designed by a different EE than the rest, as the story goes, who later went -w- MIT.

I have read that the HTS1000 is supposed to be the same (a few less outlets), but it did not sound the same and the higher models sounded compressed in comparison.

I like them enough that I recently purchased 12 Hubbell outlets (to upgrade the stock ones), don't care about the warranty as the pair only cost $250 new with a discount.