Luxman M-600A

I am thinking of switching to this amplifier. Anyone share any experiences? I have a Pass XA30.5 now. Also, where to possibly hear one or get one? Thanks
I am a dealer for Luxman.

I have heard in direct comparison the Pass XA60.5's and the X250.5 To make a long story short the Luxman M600A was miles better in every sonic character, The Luxman was 3 dimensional sound Please contact me I have a great deal on a new M600A. I do not know ehere you live but I am located on Long Island.
I've heard this amp in my system. It's really good. You're speakers and system matching really determine if it's right for you.

I ended up going with Ayre MX-R's, but the Luxman is a very good amp. Good luck, you won't go wrong here.
I sell both brands and the Luxman is not "miles better in every sonic character" as faxer claims.

He just needs a little more experience to learn this.

Dealer disclaimer
Audiofeil, can you elaborate on the differences between the M600A and the 30.5? Thank you