It will never be a status symbol because unlike Mercedes, or Lexus, no one outside this small inbred community has ever heard of Halcro, Krell, Jolida, Conrad Johnson, or Soundlab. There has to be a level of recognition by the general public for something to be a status symbol.
This is just a race by a small group of people on AudiogoN and similar websites to put together the perfect system before anyone else does, but before we bankrupt ourselves in the process.
Could you imagine what the average consumer would say if the saw an ad for Wilson speakers in Readers Digest?
"$20,000 for speakers!?! Where's the nitroglycerine?" they would gasp, as they clutched their chests.
Ma and Pa Kettle would soil themselves at the very thought. People on AudiogoN respond with shock, the average person would suggest the death penalty for people like us!
This is just a race by a small group of people on AudiogoN and similar websites to put together the perfect system before anyone else does, but before we bankrupt ourselves in the process.
Could you imagine what the average consumer would say if the saw an ad for Wilson speakers in Readers Digest?
"$20,000 for speakers!?! Where's the nitroglycerine?" they would gasp, as they clutched their chests.
Ma and Pa Kettle would soil themselves at the very thought. People on AudiogoN respond with shock, the average person would suggest the death penalty for people like us!