Why do people selling on E Bay "USE" Audiogon?

It seems to me that if you are using Audiogon to advertise and sell your product, then you should be able to buy it on Audiogon. Any thoughts?
Ohala - your statement "One could sell at either place and their ethics would stay the same." makes the most sense to me. There are saints and twerps on both sites. I don't choose to view each site through painted lenses, I just do my best to try to find good people to trade with on both. Most of the time, it works out well. Audiogon isn't the last bastion of chivalry some think it is, nor is Ebay all buggery.
There are fleas on both of these dogs. I think that you have a better chance of getting good used audio stuff on audiogon as there are a lot more sales by private parties who are actually using the equipment. E-Bay has far more attic raiders who don't have any knowledge of what they are selling, other that its price, and wouldn't know its condition other that it "looks great". But if you know what you want and are really careful about who you are buying from, really careful!, you can get a good deal at either site. Agon is more attractive to me because of its classifieds. I don't find its auctions at all attractive - I think it is used by folks trying to find out what their stuff might be worth.
You take your chances on both sites. I know of one seller with several different ID's that buys someone eles junk on E-Bay, and then puts it up for sale in a fancy add here on AudioGon!
isnt the point of Poster question people placing ads here on Audiogon for something and then linking the ad to an Ebay Auction?....if so, yeah, it is pretty annoying, but another way to expose the ad to a bigger audience..