New Damper material

While I was getting ready to cook some pork chops tonight I happened to wonder at the energy absorbing abilities of the raw pork. I whacked on the pork a few times and noticed that an awful lot of the energy was absorbed. So, just for giggles, I set the pork (bone out) under the Levinsons cd-players feet (sticking the pork in baggies so as to not mess up my dinner). The pork was one inch thick cut and trimmed into 2" circles.

Damn if it didn't make a big difference! It seems that raw meat, at least pork at this point, has a hell of an ability to dampen and absorb vibration. The sound was fuller and, dare I say it, jucier, with the mid bass having a solid meaty quality to it.

At the end of the test I went ahead and cooked my new vibration dampers. Then I tried them again. They don't work nearly as well cooked. It seems that raw is the best way to use meat-based footers. I may later test to see the results of using meat tenderiser.

I will report on further experiments involving beef and chicken. This could revolutionize the high-end accessory business. One could make repeat sales by marketing both the sound and taste of the vibration dampers!
rp1, true ... but the mice will never carry off the fruitcake! (LOL Xiekitchen. Actually, LOL everyone!)
Forget the music! It's a good way to tenderize the meat. Just put on some rap or organ music for an hour and meat will be tender and delicious.
What about BUFFALO?! This meat is extremely dense with hardly any fat content.
"Pork: The Other Audio Feet"

Hey, if you think it sounds good when encased inside a plastic-baggie condom, I hear it's out of this world when supporting your gear bareback - something having to do with the reckless thrill of risking giving your rig trichinosis...

"Isolation Footers: It's What's For Dinner"
This is the wierdest forum thread i have ever read. The possibilitys for me to have fun with this one are limitless.

I think i better use some restraint.