Can a manufacturer post replies & discussions?

Hi Audiogoners and Moderators,

I am a manufacturer of high end audio accessories. As such, am I allowed (according to Audiogon guidelines) to post responses to questions that pertain to my field of vibration control? I know these forums are not meant to be a form of advertising and I don't intend to promote my products here but I want to make sure that any responses I post do not "cross the line". I expect that I wouldn't be allowed to name any of my products directly. Is that correct? What about discussing, and maybe being critical of, other philosophies of vibration control that are at odds with mine or products that are not executed well? If I would do so I would not discuss any other company's product specifically by name but by the general design pricinples.

I would appreciate any comments or suggestions. Thank you.

Barry Kohan
Barry, I don't know much about this but my understanding is that you should feel absolutely free to join in any discussion.

However, it would probably best serve your own best interests by always providing a disclaimer of sorts that you are a mfg'er. If you do not, then some joker is going to come along and discover that you are and declare you a charleton or some such thing.

Hello Barry. Personally, I would find it refreshing. But as Brian states, proceed with caution. As I have stated on many occasions, personally, I find this site to be the best. Throughout the winter months, I participate often in these forums. I try to avoid the threads asking for opinions, or where responses would be based on personal opinions.

My participation is usually in threads that are based on personal usage experience or, based on written fact that can be referenced if need be. I won't become involved in "What is the best" or "Is this better than". I have read responses to some threads where you would have to question, "What planet or solar system is this individual from? Or, "Are you fully aware of your mental instability"?

From a different perspective, there are MANY intelligent individuals on this site who are capable of providing extremely insightful responses containing extremely useful information.

If I were in your position, I would try to avoid responding with any type of sales bias or slant. Simply respond willing to provide expertise as a specialist in your field, whatever that field, and whatever that level of expertise may be comprised of. As I already stated, I feel we could use more thorough and complete contributions consisting of "in the field" experience.

I welcome and look forward to your participation.

Respectfully, Ed.

Just make sure you include who you are and/or what you represent and most all of us here will welcome you with open arms! Its the folks who try to promote only there products and seem to have a hidden agenda that really cause problems. I can name a few of the bad apples but there is no need to, everyone knows who they are and how they operate and how to reply to them. I will, however, name a few of the people in the business who not only DO NOT CROSS "the line", but are also very helpful and super nice people. Bobby from Merlin has been posting a lot of helpful information lately, Duke from Audio Kinesis, Brian from Essential Audio, Mike and Neli from Audio Federation, Bob Crump of CTC builder and TG audio, and Ken Lyons of Neaunce platforms are the ones that come to my mind immediatly(sorry for those of you I've missed/forgot!). I think it is clear that by posting this querry you have no hidden agenda and that you do NOT want to operate as a rogue- just don't forget to include a disclaimer with your information when posting about specific equipment, it will save everyone a lot of trouble.

All of that being said, its great to have input from another manufacturer!
Roy Johnson from Green Mountain Audio jumps on from time to time if somone posts a thread pertaining to questions about his product line, let me tell you, it is really something great to have the guy who engineered the speakers jump in and answer questions about them. Talk about getting the info from the horses mouth! (no offence intended roy!:)

I would greatly welcome the information on vibration control, as would many other audiophiles i would expect. You should definatly keep the hyperbole to a minimum, A'goners have a fantastic BS radar. :)

Im gonna have some issues with vibration control here soon i expect, any advise i could get would be greatly appreciated.

I'm not sure what the protocols are but if you state that you are a manufacturer up front I believe your comments will be welcome. Beware though, that some of the regulars who post here are very knowledgeable and won't hesitate to challenge you if they don't agree with your postition.

I would recommend doing a member search for "Rives" and check out some of his posts, looking at the way he contributes to these forums. The guy is a class act.

I welcome your input.
