Tube favorites for Modwright LS100?

Howdy Friends,
Are any of you having success with a little tube rolling for the Modwright LS100 preamp...either the 6SN7's or the 5AR4? And I am sorry, but I am not interested in anything costing dern near as much as the preamp itself...$500 or more for a pair of vintage 6SN7's? Not happening in my monetary (read "happily married") world.
Thanks to one and all for your kind input and experience!
I purchased the LS100 w/o the ability to audition and went right to using a NOS rectifier and the Black Treasure cv181 based upon prior experience with the latter's KT88s and am very pleased - that said the amp needs about 450 hours or so of break and to my ears continually improved over that period
I've had my LS100 for about 18 months now. It does require 400-500 hours to fully break-in.

I would really recommend that you swap out the rectifier and the 6SN7 tubes. I have tried MANY different tubes and found the Shuguang Black Treasure CV181 and the Mullard 5AR4 to be the best FOR ME. The Sophia Electric 6SN7 tubes are really nice also.

So, between full break-in and new tubes, I'm pretty sure the LS100 will be what you are looking for. Of course, I'm biased because I LOVE mine!!!!

There are several threads here on Audiogon and on Audio Circle that talk about tube rolling in this unit.
Alfa Lover, did the harsh, bright, hot top end ever dissipate? Just curious. In the next couple of months I may be in the market for a preamp, and was considering adding the LS 100 to my list but harshness is the last thing I want, I want some warmth.
My ls100 is harsh and bright but I am still breaking it in. I hope it smooths out
Jimbones, Dan will tell you that it takes a few hundred hours to break-in. I haven't had any concerns about the sound being as you describe and find it very musical. What tubes are you using?