Damn, what a sorry lot of raggedyass eyesores we all are! Cept' of course Slappy and Holzhauer, ooops, I meant Thor and Zeus! It must be a requisite for admission to the ranks of 'Audiophile' to bear some resemblence to the backside of a baboon (or something left behind by same)! So who let those two in anyway?! I think we oughta find the traitor(s) and string'em all up by their testicles from the top of some of those big-ass phased array speakers. Then we can crucify them on some stacked Quads and let the Buzzards pick'em clean so their useless flesh is not screwing-up that amazing soundstage those Quads may otherwise be throwing. How bout it?! Oh, wait, I've seen Slappy's picture...he can stay!