What do you look like?

We know about where we live,the cars we drive, our drink of preference and often what our systems look like, but although we interact in audiogon forums on a frequent basis few know what eachother actually looks like. Any interest in posting photos of ourselves to put a face with those clever audiogon monikers?
I look like a 6 foot, 165 pound 16 year old with the fullest head of hair you've ever seen (drives the girls wild!).
How I got into this 51 year old, 225 pound sagging body with a combover, I'll never know...

What, you want to see my picture! It is not enough to see my system, and hear you crying, now you want me to post my picture too!

Rcprince, we've met and you a lot better then you let on with your response here! Well come to think of it, you do kinda look like the guy in the post office photo I saw today, HA! I think it was a cross-dressing looking dude! Hey where did you get you hair done?

I've seen Slappy's picture some time ago on Agon and he does look like a GOD!, I would have to say that he is an Audiophile GOD in fact! Well maybe after a dozen beers or so!! Kidding Slapster!

As for myself, I am so freakin' handsome that I have to beat the ladies off with a salami! I always keep on in my pants pocket especially for this type of occasion, HA HA HA. I am soo buff I make Arnold look like a little girly man!

Well anyway, to all you Audio Gods, Happy Listening.
Anarchy, just took a look at your picture. Based on your various pronouncements here on this site, I swear central casting sent you down. Boy do you look the part!