Should there only be one company making gear?

Since there are such strong feelings regarding audio gear, with one company being right while the others are wrong, would it be easier on our psyche if there were only one company?

For example, one person might love Krell gear while another prefers the Rouge 88. Rather than the two of them fighting or disagreeing about the merits or shortcomings of the other, wouldn't it be easier/better if these conflicts did not exist?

Is it possible that there will ever be a piece of gear on which all audiophiles could agree?
You mentioned that you had never found a tube CDP that matched the digitals you've had/heard. What have been your favorite players?

Nrchy-you posted to me in a previous thread
"I wouldnt buy some of the gear you have on a dare"
This thread had not taken on a personal attack mode until you posted these remarks.
I came back swinging but after some thought, I had audiogon delete my follow up posts as I didnt want to heat up further the already heated thread.
Now you post this thread crying about gear bashing?
In one of your emails to me you said "tubes are for old people"
You told me you had some Conrad Johnson TUBE mono blocks you hated.
In this thread you state you own no tube gear.
I could go on about how this post (your post) is about people exactly like you,but who cares..
Man,what a hypocrite you are!!!
sorry,Cary mono's you said you hated.
Practice what you preach Nirchy
"I wouldnt buy some of the gear you have on a dare" "tubes are for old people" I think that says it all.
David once again you fall back into your previous form. I never said I hated the Cary's. I don't hate the Cary's but they are not as good as my previous amp. The Krell sounds better in every respect, but not by a huge margin. The Cary's are good amps, but I still prefer solid state.

The comments I made which said that your comments were inappropriate were made after you attacked a company about which the author of the thread was relating a complimentary experience. Perhaps you don't care for that company (which your comments clearly indicated), but that has nothing to do with the exemplary service he received from them.

Boa2 If I said that about tube CDP's I misspoke. I have never heard a tube CDP from any company. I'm still looking for a tube turntable : )!
Nrchy- I am not falling back to my 'previous form' I made an error in the mono's is all.
You did say you hated them (and tubes)
Why dont you mention your remarks about "I wouldnt own gear in your system on a dare" or "tubes are for old people"
Or,and this is one I havent mentioned.
"a nurse from Perry,NY figures"
I still havent figured that one out!
Do you dislike nurses? Male nurses? Perry,NY??
If any one would like to read the e-mails this person sent me e-mail me.
It will show what a hypocritical moron this guy is.
This thread is a farce by you Nrchy.