Power Conditioners for TVs--??

I guess 1st off; I live in an apt.--thus ded. line is out.---I think living in a large complex (94 units)--(3 meter rooms)has to add much crap to everybody's power.

Now, the tv is the 61' JVC d-ila.--A light engine/bulb similar to lcd/dlp--- There are sooo mannny conditioners ---and especialy new versions of older conditioners ------- Oh,ya.they all promise to take your tv to "tv-heaven".---I'm afraid part of the reason why the classifieds are full of used conditioners is they didn't do much for 'that' owner. I appreaciate all the input/suggestions I can get. Thanks in advance Geo.
The Running Springs Audio power devices are outstanding for both audio and video. You never see one on the used market for only one reason...
please tell us more about the Running Springs Audio power devices. thanks in advance. peace, warren
The PS Audio Outlet makes a substantial difference on both audio and TV. On TV, colors are substantially more saturated and the image takes on more of a 3D effect. If possible, get the High Current version, which provides more of these same benefits. You can read several reviews discussing these positives.
Hey George,
I had forgotten that I used to have two Ultimate Outlets.
My results were differant than Dne's, I saw and heard no
differance while useing them with the tv, or my components.
Thats why I sold them, but they might work for you.
