I was considering going to THE show, but looking at hte exhibitor list, looks like not a lot of big names (although some), plus many I've not heard of. Have peopel gone and found it to be a valuable learning experience? Or is it better to wait til the Stereophile show?
In the morning, take the tram from your hotel to Alexis Park and THE Show to treat your ears. Then afterwards, cab it to the AVN Expo to give your eyes a treat. Later that night, finish it off in a jacuzzi, a club or at the OG.
Same thing goes on at all three shows. They're just trying to get you to pay for their booyah!
Hopefully, I'll get to hang with Albert Porter as well.
The last day of CES/The Show is open to the pubic, which is Sunday I think. Most of the business has been done by then and the exhibitors can and do spend the time with public. Anyone can regester go to the following link:
Please note that THE Show is not only the St Tropez, which is right next door to the Alexis Park - but also the San Remo (which is kitty-corner from the MGM. Ther are fewer exhibitors, but some much larger scale rooms there.
IThese are indeed BTB shows, but if you are cognizant and respectful of this, most exhibitors will spend time with you, particularly when it is slow. After all, many of them are enthusiasts/hobbyists at heart.
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