Where has the respect gone?

I have a middle of the road audio system. I built my own speakers with a Seas Odim kit, a Rogue 99 mag., a Esoteric DV-50, built my own 200 watt power amp, BPT 3.5 Signature Plus, upgraded Sansui TU-717, Revelation Audio Labs Testament speaker wire, HMS rca's and power cords and Virtual Dynamics Testament power cord and Soundstrings rca's too! I have many other pieces I am working on and trying to sell but I have started to notice a trend in some Audiogon members. It is kinda getting like other internet selling places, where there is no respect for each other. I am like everyone else and that I want the best deal but I try to be respectful to the seller or buyer. I have probably not been that to all and for that I am sorry and I ask your forgiveness. It seems like lately things are starting to change and I do not believe it is necessary to change. I have not been a member from the first but it makes no difference if I was the first member or the last member, just sign in we need to have respect for each other. I hate to see Audiogon turn into what some of the others are in lying and cheating for a dollar or just being rude. Let us all remember to respect the other person and let this stay a fun job, hobby or whatever it my be to you! Remember it starts with us all!
Ezekial, Thank you for initiating a discussion which has evoked so many valuable responses. I think this shows there are still many who value Audiogon as a refuge from the outside world, which can be even more traumatic.
The most important thing is for the congenial majority not to remain silent in the face of unfair, or downright obnoxious, postings. Simply posting something appropriate, and in a civil manner, acts as a counterbalance. Many of us have adopted this technique instinctively whenever harassment rears its ugly head. That's why when reading through discussion threads one can see comments on both sides on most issues.
By reviewing sales feedback, and any past discussion postings, it is possible to gain some insight into the person on the other end of an Audiogon transaction. Providing a place for safer buying and selling, at fair prices, is still the most unique Audiogon function, for many of us. If someone seems to be out of line then no one has to engage in transactions with such an individual.
Eh, i think most people are easy to get along with here on Agon, ive had a few brushes with the occasional jerk, but even then most of the time it was just a simple misunderstanding.
Heck, considering the amount of people visiting this site, It seems amazing to me that this forum is still one of the best places on the net. I've had nothing but positive experiences with the people here. And since I am living in a hick town where audiophiles are harder to find than Bin Ladin, its my home away from home. As a rule we audiophiles tend to be extreamly civil in our dealings, and I for one am Proud to be a member of this site. Gosh.
Scpetscott, I'll pass on the word to ol' Dubya to move the focus of his search from the Afghan/Pakistan border to your neck of the woods, heheh.
I too have had good luck here as I've come across many friendly and helpful people. Ya there's an occasional jerk but most of the people are just the average folks who are generally good people.

I think the important thing is to step back and try to understand that this is a discussion board and other people have different concerns and opinions. I'm personally an argumentative person so I don't mind arguments but I can understand that some people absolutely hate it. I've gotten myself involved in some of the threads on ethics, which tended to produce the most heated debates because it is the most personal, and it's even more important to be rational and consider where the other person is coming from. A lot of us are strong minded and have our own principles and opinions. If you receive a flame, is it really because the poster is rude or because you've said something that can be quite discriminating to some people? To me, it's always about intentions.