Capturing the MUSIC; a furtive cause? What R We...

...missing when we listen to recorded music in our homes?

There's been a lot of talk lately -- and not so lately -- about the empirical (listening) vs. the scientific (measurable) EFFECTS regarding a number of things not least of which is changing the connecting wires in a reproduction network.

Rather than regurgitate the whole gamut of conflicting argumentation bandied around, I thought I'd just provide a link to an interesting reproduction (sorry for the pun) of a seminar by J. Boyk* at Caltech: "Capturing Music: The Impossible Task".

It's a short and interesting read.

For those who have already read this, pls excuse the redundancy in favour of those that haven't.

In this abstract Boyk touches on MUSIC, the difficult task of recording & reproducing music correctly --i.e. as the musician intended it to be heard -- and the diffulties inherent in trying to gauge or measure "QUALITY" of the recording & reproducing equipment.

Many interesting points made. Rather than expand further & waste server space, I'll just reproduce (that word again!) a nice little paragraph from the abstract:
A ...friend ...won the Westinghouse Science Talent Search in high school with his work on hearing; and continued in the field through a doctorate and professorship; but now works on vision. "Why the change?" I asked. "Listen!" he said, "In vision, at least we know what the questions are!"

I'd be interested in any comments &/or feedback. Cheers!

*Mr Boyk is a pianist, a lecturer at Caltech, and also does consulting work in related fields. He studied Maths.
Well as a simple guy--I have a simple explanation-- that work for me.---(With the exception of a solo player/performance)---I can't get the entire Vienna Boys Choir in my living room--you know,space constraints---But I understand Michael J. has tried.
Given that live music and recorded music are two different things,given that no two reproduction systems will sound exactly alike,I offer this suggestion:

Let the musicians control as much of the process as they can. Write it into the contracts that the musicians must approve,in writing,the master copy. At least,we can be satisfied the performers/conductors were not unhappy with the master copy.

I've lost track of the number of recordings I've heard where an orchestra and a soloist play it through once for rehersal and then record and release the second playing when,in truth,with a full day of rehersal before the recording,it would have been a good performance(irrespective of the quality of the recording.).
Interesting you should mention that, as Boyk mentions TEMPO as one of the qualities often missing when we listen to music at home. The result is that we would dismiss the PERFORMANCE as being under par -- when in fact, it's the loss of detail due to the recording, the reproduction system or both that's the problem.
Greg old friend, in picking up your thread after its hiatus of almost exactly three years, I'm beginning to wonder why it drew so little response in spite of the fact of its essential importance to us music lovers, celebrating our passion both in live performances or in front of our rigs at home. Is it, that an audiophile - and I take it that the people who congregate here belong to that breed - are not necessarily music lovers? Is it, even if they love music, that they shun live performances? Is it, that for many of us the rig is more important than the quality (in the sense of musicality )of what it produces, or is it, that discernment of ear has gone down the drain for many with the obvious loss of interest in complex classical music generally? Just wondering.......
live music is a reference. a stereo system and a recording are flawed. both have "errors". the "sound" emanating from from one's speakers should please its owner, hopefully, regardless of its fidelity to the real thing.

please your ear and don't worry about anything else. music can be therapeutic if it doesn't bother you.