"will ship at buyer's risk and expense"

Does anyone here on Audiogon actually fall for this?
I've seen ads like this on eBay, now I'm seeing them here. I'd never agree to any deal including this stipulation!
Dealing with the shipping companies is difficult enough.
At least they have one logical rule: The shipper files & follows through on any damage/loss claim.
The seller insures the package, for full value if they're smart/responsible. The seller eats any loss. That's the way it is.
What I always read into this remark is that if the component arrives and does not work (as it should) but, there is no evident box damage on which to base a claim against the shipper, the seller is going to claim that it worked fine when he shipped it and it must have been damaged intransit. As with you I immediately look elsewhere.
I could see this disclaimer if the seller states he strongly prefers to sell locally. If I have an item that is delicate, I may no want to ship it but I would if a buyer knew the risks were his/hers. It's the seller choice on how he or she wants to sell. It the buyers choice if they agree to terms or not.
My take on those adds:

1. The seller does not advise shipping...WARNING

2. If you want it bad enough to skip the warning then fine...I'm interested in the money and will let you take your chances.

3. Don't expect your money back from my pocket should something bad happen.

I'm with Newbee...I pass on these products. I would not sell in this manor myself though...my add would state pickup only for these types of components...I hate risk and or problems in my dealings.

I steer way clear of ads that state that, because I take responsibility for the safe arrival of anything I sell.